Risk of diagnosed or anxiety disorder after infection

Risk of diagnosed or anxiety disorder after infection

Risk of diagnosed , Imagine a time when everyone was talking about something called COVID-19. It made people sick and changed the way we lived. Grown-ups had a tough time, and some even felt sad or worried.

Risk of diagnosed  : Feeling Sad or Worried: What is it?

Risk of diagnosed , Feeling sad or worried is like having a cloud over your head or butterflies in your tummy. Grown-ups call it depression and anxiety. The World Health Organization noticed that more people were feeling this way during COVID-19.

Risk of diagnosed or anxiety disorder after infection

Risk of diagnosed  : How Much More?

Risk of diagnosed  : The World Health Organization said there was a 27.6% increase in feeling sad (depression) and a 25.6% increase in feeling worried (anxiety) in 2020 compared to 2019. It’s like more people suddenly had those clouds and butterflies.

Risk of diagnosed  : COVID-19 and Your Feelings

Some scientists wondered if COVID-19 itself made people feel sadder or more worried. It’s like asking if a superhero’s arch-enemy (COVID-19) was making things harder for everyone.

Time Matters: Is It Only at the Start?

A group of scientists checked if people felt sadder or worried only at the beginning of COVID-19 or if it lasted a long time. They found that the sad and worried feelings were strong at first but became less as time went on, like a storm calming down.

People Are Different: Kids, Grown-Ups, and Superheroes

Just like how kids and grown-ups feel differently, some grown-ups felt sadder or more worried after COVID-19. Some studies said young adults and women felt it more, but everyone’s experience was a bit different. – koin303

Doctor’s Notes: Anxiety and Depression

Doctors use special words to talk about feelings. They call feeling worried “anxiety” and feeling sad “depression.” They looked at lots of people to see if they went to the doctor more for these feelings after COVID-19.

8. Medicine for Feelings: Anxiolytic and Antidepressants

Sometimes, doctors give special medicine to help with feelings. They call them anxiolytic (for worries) and antidepressants (for sadness). The scientists also checked if more people needed these medicines after COVID-19.

Not Everyone Feels the Same: Young, Old, Boys, Girls

Even though COVID-19 affected everyone, some people felt sadder or more worried than others. It was like a big superhero adventure where the heroes (people) faced different challenges.

The Changing Story of COVID-19

COVID-19 was like a story that kept changing. Sometimes it was hard, and other times it got better. Grown-ups had to be strong, just like superheroes, to face the challenges.

Looking for Answers in a Big Group

Scientists studied lots and lots of people to understand how COVID-19 made them feel. It’s like trying to solve a big puzzle. They want to help everyone feel better and understand how to make things easier next time.

In the world of feelings and superheroes, COVID-19 made grown-ups feel different things. Scientists are like superheroes too, working to understand how to help everyone feel better and face the next big adventure.